"As We Attempt to Help Others, We Find More Understanding For Ourselves"

Hi, My Name is Ray Stenglein...
Suicide prevention starts with everyday heros like you.
The Mission of Wings of Hope is Simple...
Suicide claims more lives than war, murder and natural disaster combined.

Second lead cause of death ages 11-24.

Suicides per day in 2020.

Suicide attempts in the US alone.
Wings of Hope Established
A courageous group of people come together to form Wings of Hope. The mission they forged for this group is listed above.
September 2011
First Out of Darkness Walk
Wings of Hope brought the first Out of the Darkness walk to our community. Suicides in our community have been all too common, the desire to bring hope to our community is a flame that lives inside all of us.
Becomes Non-Profit
Wings of Hope becomes a 501 C3 non-profit which helps further the ability to use all the monies raised to be used in our community.
Joined the Team
In the spring of 2017, 4 months after the loss of my 16 year old daughter to Suicide in December of 2016, joined the team for their 7th annual Out of the Darkness Walk.
Became President of Wings of Hope
In the spring of 2018 I became the President of Wings of Hope and I am continuing with the original goals of the group with added commitment to bring education and awareness to mental illness in our community.
Our goal continues to work toward our community's willingness to break the stigma of mental illness and bring hope to all dealing with mental illness.